Friday, August 31, 2007

I hate Peter at the laundromat

I tell you what, Peter, I hate you. And mostly it's because of your behavior at the laundromat on Hillhurst in Los Feliz - the one right next to the Drawing Room and Tub Tim Siam. All I wanted to do was put my three loads of laundry into the dryers. And they were not the three machines you were hoping to use. You were already finished drying your clothes. They were not dryers upon which you were trying to fold your clothes. No, you were folding your stupid clothes on a counter-top meant for folding. So, all I ask of you, Peter, is that you actually let me get to the damn dryers. There was plenty of room for both of us. I would say that the aisle is nearly five feet wide. Seeing as how you were only of average size and I a little more than average size, I think the both of us could comfortably fit within the confines of a five foot aisle without disrupting each other's late night laundry activity. Yet, you insisted on placing your cart of dry laundry between yourself and the dryers, effectively taking up the entire aisle, so no one, including myself could get through. So, all I wanted to do, my good man, was to move your cart to any of two dozen other places where it could have been parked so I could scoot through with my cart of wet laundry. Yet each time I moved it so I could reach a dryer you moved it back to it's orginal spot, blocking the aisle. Now, granted the spot I moved your cart to all of three times was not touching your leg, but instead maybe six inches away from your leg, so I understand that it must have been a real workout to get the clothes from the cart to the countertop, but honestly, did you have to continuously block the aisle? You could obviously see that I was going back for more clothes each of the three times. And on top of all this, did you have to wait until I was done putting all three of my loads into the dryers, to ask, "Oh, am I in your way?" I mean, seriously, Peter. You are a dick. I hope I never do laundry at the same time as you anymore.

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