Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Damn you Peter! What did I ever do to you? Sure, you’ve been beaten, whacked, jacked, stroked and rubbed out at my hand, but you and I both know those adjectives have double meaning in our case. I can’t believe you’d turn on me like this.

Remember how it used to be? We used to be so good together. When I needed you, you were there for me. Likewise, when you needed me (usually in the morning for some reason), I was there for you. You once stood so proud and tall. You were admired by many for your strength and resilience. You were solid as a rock. But now everything has changed.

I have pleaded with you, begged you, bargained with you and even attempted to drug you, but every time you refused to respond. So now, Peter, old friend, all I can do is hate you. If you won’t stand up, I won’t stand down. I don’t want to hear that shit about how I drink too much, thus thinning my blood to the point where you can’t do your thing. I don’t want you going off on my about my marijuana and steroid use and how they make things so hard for you. I want you to make things hard for me, asshole!

You’ve caused me to lose my confidence. You’ve caused me to lose my wife. You’ve caused me to be humiliated at The Bunny Ranch on HBO. Why did I ever sign that release form?

Fuck you Peter. I don’t ever want to see you again. In fact, that’s probably why I’ve gained all this weight – so I don’t have to ever see you again. Oh sure, I know you’ll always be hanging around. Fucking loitering and contributing nothing to society. Even if I could get someone to offer you a job, you’ve made it abundantly clear that you’re not interested so I don’t even bother anymore. I’d love to just cut you off from my life, but something won’t let me. I suppose there’s part of me that just can’t let you go, but that doesn’t mean that I won’t hate you forever.

If you ever change your mind perhaps we can get over this. I would like to someday come back to you, but things being the way they are, you have to come first.

Yours in anger,

I’m Potent

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