Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Dear Peter,

I thought after you spread all those rumours around college and told everyone about my overdose and self harming and still found something in me to forgive you, you would do that.

I have no regrets for what I told your dad. And seriously if you got raped by your brother then you wouldn't tell everyone in your old school, and strangers? Yeah I know its funny what you can get out of people.

And why did you make it up anyway? If your brother did rape you then you wouldn't still see him. No wonder why your mum hates you. You are tearing your family apart. Is your life that sad you have to make shit up?

And seriously who actually believed you that you had a baby girl and your mum told you to give it away? At the end of the day you would have fought about it and still be looking now.

I realise what a backstabbing, lying, two faced bitch you actually are. Peter seriously get yourself a life not revolved around lies. Look at me I have a wonderful boyfriend, a good family and great friends. And I didn't get them for lying.

So what if your life isn't as tragic as mine? You are liked for the person that you are and not on what you lie about. You will learn one day, and by then you will be very alone, with that baby you apparently are carrying.

I have a clear conscience Peter, one thing you will ever have. And I hope you never talk to me again, cause to be honest I don't want a friend like you ever. Peter was right about you, full of shit.

Well Peter, you can fuck off and fuck my ego while you're at it. I don't hate you, cause hate is strong and how can you keep a clear conscience when you feel like that. I don't dislike you but I don't like you either. I would just say I have no feelings for you altogether and I'm gonna keep it that way. No matter if you say sorry or anything, I'm fed up with your shit and half stories.

Goodbye Peter and I have no regrets.


Peter you stink fucking pig just because I didn't want to sleep with your stinking fucking fat ass. You ugly mother fucker you think you can go around damaging my career and damaging my reputation.You lousy stink fuck and turning ppl against me isn't going to help you u fucking sorry ass LOSER. I am sick of you now Peter .You are going down. Big time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I got friends too Peter you're friends want to give me a hard time and destroy my life well hear this u stink ugly cunt .I know where u live Peter and I know you got 4 kids.two which are girls well I am thinking of introducing them to my friends.So my friends go fuck them up and call them sluts and do nasty things to them like what u did to me.Peter u stink fuck.U going to get what u deserve PIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Fuck you Peter and fuck your stinking family too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 20, 2009


Dear Peter,

I heard your news yesterday. Can't say it didn't hit me like a bullet to the chest. You went KNOWINGLY BEHIND MY BACK and did this to me. Because EVERYTHING even RELATIONSHIPS has to be a competition eh? And you always have to fucking win.

Oh and GET OVER YOURSELF. JESUS CHRIST. All you practically talk about is yourself and it pisses me off. And before i go, you are so fucking lame it's untrue when you flirt.

I hope your fucking happy, you bitch, Peter. I'm glad i'll probably never have to see you again.

Yours sincerely,

Your ex-friend.


for the love of god peter. WHY WEREN'T YOU IN OUR PUB QUIZ TODAY?!

i can't be doing with you anymore peter. the pub quiz today was the absolute final straw for me, and you know it.
you were so rude to just walk off and leave me at the end of CS knowing full well that kind of thing upsets me!
i would say i love you but do you know what? i don't. i don't even know why i bother doing this. mabey 'cos i'll end up laughing about how i wrote to such a sad sight about my hate for you, but it needs to come off my chest, and i hope to god you read this.
so this is for you peter.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009



I love you to bits and I'm crazy about you and you said the same. Last night in your car you said you loved me. BUT why fucking now do you think it's okay to ignore my texts??? Why can't you give a fuck I'm going through a hard time and I want to fucking open up to you, but you seem like you don't want to. You know that I've slit before and I might end up doing it again. You could've fucking texted me eariler saying your brother had the fucking car, no you left it to fucking now to tell me when I could've been sleeping!!!!

Why do you do this to me? You insulted me on Friday by saying I'm shit in bed, when you know I've got no self confidence. Sorry I don't want to suck on your fucking dick. FUCK YOU PETER!!! And the thing is I can't fucking end it with you, cause I still fucking love you. And its fucking tearing me fucking apart. What can I do? What do you want me to fucking do?

I love you and I hate you.
Please stop messing with my already fucked up head.

Pandora Winter Sorrows

Friday, July 10, 2009


peter you are a bastard

lts of lv

your best bud



Hey Peter,

What's up? I wrote you a strongly-worded email to tell you how I felt about the many emails I have gotten from you over the last couple of years. I wrote to express that I was fed up with your complete and total lameness. Since we graduated from school, I’ve been working my ass off to pay my bills and keep a job. As have many of our mutual friends. You, on the other hand, have been cavorting around African countries for over a year without a care in the world and every couple of weeks you feel the need to send long involved emails to an extensive list of people about your travels.

This wouldn’t be so bad though, Peter, if I thought you actually were appreciative of this experience. It turns out, Peter, you are not. You are a spoiled, rich person who can’t quite understand why some of us would be tired of receiving emails that rub our collective faces in the fact that we may never be able to afford to have such a fabulous African experience. All of us want some version of what you've been able to live and it drives me insane that you seem to take it for granted with such a cavalier-entitled-American-citizen attitude.

Here’s an excerpt from your latest email where you deign to COMPLAIN about your life in Africa:

"The simple joys of anonymity I haven’t known for a year. Soon I will no longer be "The White Person Walking Down The Street" who draws all sorts of awful attention from children with outstretched palms to men making hissing sounds and loud kissing noises. Ugh.
How I long to be ignored, unseen.
How I long for cocktails, real cocktails, not ones made with rotgut liquor that comes in plastic baggies.
How I long for the concept ‘the customer is always right.’"

You then go on to say:

"Ahhhh, sweet Western society. Sweet materialism. Sweet vanity. Sweet selfishness. I can’t wait to eat without feeling bad for the entire restaurant staff. I can’t wait to shed these disgusting, modest, unrevealing clothes I’ve taken to wearing."

Well why don’t you just go fuck yourself Peter? This was an experience you chose to have and if it sucks so much just come home. But don’t take time to send wretched emails to all of us back in the states about how your life is awful because you can’t get a proper cocktail made. I swear Peter, if I ever see you again, I’m going to backhand you back to the dark ages you apparently perceive Africa to still be in.

So I sent you this strongly worded letter and admitted within it that some of the impetus for the letter was envy and jealousy and also disgust. I really wanted you to respond strongly back. Support the case that you were not just some ungrateful American in Africa. I really really really wanted you to tell ME to go fuck myself. Peter, you are so fucking oblivious that you wrote this:

"I guess I'm just sick of thinking about it all, all the senseless and preventable death all the ignorance that could be cured, being surrounded by this visceral tragedy day in and day out. Just ready for a break, that's all my email was supposed to conjure. Cavalier is just my style of writing. My boyfriend is here, so I might even end up living in this continent and raising kids here! Gasp. I am actually not leaving for another couple weeks, but I’m heading either tomorrow or the next day down south to Mtwara and then inland to do a little safari-like trip to Lukwika on the Ruvumba River, so didn’t know when I would get a chance to sit down and write my "good-bye" email. I’m not actually going home quite yet. Will spend a couple weeks in London and then I’m going down to Germany and then (hopefully) sailing in Croatia… we’ll see."

Really, Peter. Really? You send me back an email to tell me about the other cool adventures that you are about to embark on. Adventures that I don't have the money to have and that I'm already murderously jealous of. I hope you have a fantastic time sailing in Croatia. And then I hope you drown.

I hate you Peter.

Fuck You. Please die.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


i hate you peter, for what you've done to me, you've wrecked my life, wasted everything.
i can't sleep at night, knowing your fucking happy and i'm not, i can't wait, till we meet again, i'm going to cut you up, and tear you apart, the same thing you done to me, you make me feel so small, i wish you'd get out of my mind, i want you to know how much of a cuntbag you are, i want you to die, fucking bleed to death, just die, EVERYONE will be MUCH happier without you hear, and i will too.


I fucking hate you Peter no. 1!
You're so immature; shouldn't you have grown up by now?! Stop playing games with people. Stop messing around with people's heads. The littlest, most immature and crude things make you laugh. IT ISN'T FUCKING FUNNY. Why can't you just see that none of us like you and stop pretending that everything's okay when it's not. Stop being so two-faced. Grow up, and realise the truth.

Peter no. 2; God, I want to kill you sometimes! You bring me down, you bring down my self esteem and make me feel like shit. And you don't even realise. I know it's not intentional but I hate you nonetheless. You need to step and see how much your words can hurt.

Peter no. 3: I don't think I've ever hated anyone as much you. The hate I feel for you is indescribable and every time I hear your name I'm instantly angry. Stop ruining my family. Stop ruining other people's families. You're the cruellest most unfair person I have ever met, and you deserve to rot in hell.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


i hate you because everything is on your terms, you wouldn't even let me break up with you. It sounds silly, saying you wouldn't let me, but those were the words you used. You told me you weren't letting this happen. I have such little self-confidence that I can't even break up with you right.

I hate you because when I talk about my depression, which I have to have counselling and Prozac for, you basically told me I was lying, and I didn't have anything to be depressed about. And the thing is, I have all these things I want to say to you, but as soon as I try, the words don't come out right. I sound weak, and i don't always make sense, and I can't say what I need to. What I wanted to say to you was it is a number of shitty things in my life, and you don't make it any better. But i'm constantly worrying about you, that saying things like that might hurt your feelings, or you might take it the wrong way. It hurts when you tell me I'm lying about a condition that is so obvious to everyone else. Perhaps you're in denial, but I know you hear me crying at night, and I hate you for ignoring me.

I hate you for making me feel guilty about things that are your fault. Right now, I'm on my only weekend of for god know's how long, and you spent it with your friends. I asked you this mornign to come over, and you said you would, so I went out and bought food to cook for us. You said you'd call, and you didn't. I had to text you asking you when you were coming, and you said later. Then at almost midnight, you want me to come and meet you. When I said no, being the angry and pissed off girlfriend that I am right now, you told me to 'cheer up, I only wanted to talk to you. I don't want us to argue, I just wanted to see you.' What the fuck is that? What fucking right do you have to make me feel bad after planning a whole day for us when you just stood me up!?!? And yet again, it's my fucking fault for not being happy.

There are so many things I need to get off my chest, but I can't bring them up without depressing myself even further. I'd just like to say, I hate you the most because I love you, and I can't help it. No matter what you do I always come running back to you. I would go to the end of the earth for you, but you wouldn't do it for me. I hate you for not letting me go a long time ago, before I would have given my life for you - depressive headcase


you peter, are a total cunt. who the fuck are you to judge me huh!? you dont fucking know me, you have only seen me a few times and even on those few occasions you still act like a cunt. what makes you think i value your opinion or anything you say really you are a rude pathetic nasty cunt and i hope you die.