Monday, August 31, 2009


Peterette. You probably will never read this, which is a good thing,
considering how angry I am at you right now. Yeah, I¹m fucking mad. I'm not
pissed, irritated, annoyed, or any other bullshit half assed word. I'm
angry. I hope you can figure out why, you¹re not stupid.
Let me just put it out there why I'm so mad- you treat me like shit. Flat
out. And I am sick and tired of you treating me this way, and I think you
need to stop. Every single time I've seen you this summer, or talked to
you, or anything, you've (each time) called me gay, an idiot, and a woman.
I'm not exaggerating- every time. I've been keeping track. It's not just
that, though- you do so when we're around our friends, you do so when we're
alone. You hit me constantly, for literally no reason at all. I'll say
something, anything it seems, and I receive a smack upside the head or in
the stomach. It's really, really unnecessary and I don't understand why you
keep acting like this.
And then there are other things that I just don't understand why you do
them. Any time I give you criticism on something or ask you to stop doing
something you either get really angry, ignore the advice, or just get upset
at me. Your new big thing is to ask if I have anything important to say to
you before hanging up on me. I don't care who you are, that's incredibly
rude. And then of course there was today, when you decided that you should
call me out about talking shit about Brooke. Ironically, I hadn't even said
anything. And I'm sorry but you're not someone to talk about that- you talk
shit about Nicole and Ana and other people and claim to be their friends, as
well. So please, don't start on that. I'm not even going to talk about how
you just lectured me on how alcohol is bad (after I had half of a beer, the
same as half a shot, essentially nothing) and now you are, as I'm writing
this, getting drunk.
Of course, my favorite part of all of this is how you tell me that I treat
my friends like shit. I'm sorry, but that's fucking hypocritical. I don't
want to talk about the amounts of emotional and psychological damage you've
done to me over the course of the past few months. Frankly, you probably
don't want to hear about it.
I love how it's only me that you do this to, also. Everyone else, even if
they annoy you, or any of that, you're really nice to. I've never heard you
say anything rude or mean about anyone else- just me.
I guess I can just put this really shortly- you treat me like shit, and it
needs to stop. Now. You've told me enough times that I need to get over
you. Well, it's getting to be really easy now. Congratulations.
I'm just going to put this out there now, though I don't think
it's at all what you want to hear, expect to hear, or any of those things.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you're reading this, (ironic considering I don't
think you ever will), I'm sorry for everything stupid I've said or done, I'm
sorry. I just don't think the way you're handling it is the right way. And
I really think you need to understand that. I'm always going to love you,
in one way or another, and I want things to be better between us. I get that
I can annoy you sometimes, I get that you think I'm an arrogant bastard, but
you really don't need to handle things this way. It's not okay.
Again, I'm so sorry for having to do this.
I love you.
Lost and Broken in San Diego

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