Sunday, October 11, 2009


DEAR PETERRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE YOUR MISERABLE GUTS!!! I HATE EVERY SINGLE DAY OF OUR ROTTEN LIVES TOGETHER! 9 MONTHS OF HELL EVERY FUCKING DAY!!!!!!!! I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DID NOT KNOW GETTING MARRIED TO YOU WOULD MEAN HAVING TO MARRY THE FUCKING XBOX 360!! YOU ARE A CHILD WHO WILL NEVER GROW UP CAUSE YOU THINK YOU ARE THE REAL MOTHER FUCKING PETER FUCKING PAN!!!! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK YOU PETER! I hope when you finally do grow up, you're a bald fat ugly lonely old man who's controller batteries just died, so you leave to go buy new ones and they all sold out from that store, you go to another one and finally get them, then you catch every fucking red light on your drive back!! when you come home you trip over the table cause the lights weren't coming on BECAUSE YOU NEVER PAID THE BILL THIS MONTH (too busy playing games), so you reach for the flashlight in the drawer and get bit by the rat that's been hiding in there, you take a look around with TREMENDOUS PAINNNN and realize that the house was broken into! WHY WAS IT? Cause it always looked like an abandoned SHIT HOLE that you never kept up with, so you run to the room to see if they took your precious!! yes... you're one and only... and guess what?? THEY DID!!! They took your xbox 360 because it was the only thing of value left in your crappy ass house PETER! THAT'S RIGHT PETER!!!! THEY TOOK YOUR BABY!!! THEY TOOK IT FAR FAR FAR AWAY FROM YOU FOREVER AND NOW YOUR MOUTH IS FOAMING FROM THE RABIES THAT THE RAT INJECTED IN YOU!

love always,
your wife

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