Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Dear Peter,

i sincerely and wholeheartedly hate you. most of the time. sure, sometimes you're a real angel. you're nice, and i want to keep talking to you again and again. but then, your most redeeming (or not so redeeming) qualities that help make you this wonderfully hateable person set in. i hate how you always say you want to be my friend. but then you don't show it. hey peter, ever heard the saying actions speak louder than words? obviously you haven't, because 1. You're an idiot with no sense. 2. Your actions do not match your words. Oh yeah and ever heard of that saying "bros before hos" or "chicks before dicks"? You prolly haven't. You ditched me, and other friends for your significant other. And then there's your texting speed. You have many times over shown me how fast you can text. But then you don't text back because you are "asleep". Or a.k.a. "busy" macking on your significant other. All you think about is yourself. You want me there, to help with homework soley. What a jerk. You use me. I just wish you would've told me so i didn't waste my life trying to become closer to you. i hate when people do that. i have wasted so much of my love, time, energy, texts, and brain cells on you. you are a simple organism that only takes and never gives. yet i can't stop going back to you. i am addicted to you. i admit it but can't stop. so i write this. i am pitiful. i need you, i hate you, i want you out of my life. so why can't you just say whatever it is to me that tells me how you really feel so i can stop this waste of my life. right now. i hate you. peter. i hate. you.


your worst enemy/fantasy bff

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