Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Dear Peter,
You're the only person on earth that makes me nervous enough that I can't speak my mind to you. Well, I'm going to be straight up. There is something seriously wrong with you. Who agrees to be in a relationship with someone if they don't want to be? You say relationships "aren't your thing" (which is straight out of The L Word, might I add), yet you spent a year wanting me to break up with my boyfriend so I could be with you. So I ask you out. You say yes, then you ignore me. I spent a month wondering if you liked me or not because you never wanted to see me. You told me you really liked me, I just make you nervous. Bullshit. You just didn't want to be with me. You know, a legitimate answer would've been, "sorry, I like you a lot, but I don't really do relationships." or if you don't like me at all it could've been, "sorry, but I don't do relationships." You may be the most amazing and beautiful girl I have ever met, but you're also the most heartless. Thanks for wasting my time.
The Girl You'll Regret Leaving

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