Monday, December 21, 2009


Dear Peter you mother fucking cunt

I have just realised how freaking angry I am with you, you worthless scum! How dare you untag yourself from all of our photos how can you be embarrased of being with me compared to the average girls you are getting with now? You are not that freaking sexy or attractive and even if you were slightly good looking your attitude and awful personality are such a turn off! You think that you can call up girls and get sex whenever you want but you know you are WRONG! The more you muck eople around the more people start to hate you and think that you are scum! Your penis is not big either so stop thinking that you are a god because you freaking aren't! I do not know when, why or how you turned into this shitty person but you need to get the fuck over yourself because it is not hot! I can not believe I went out with you and I hope that you put on heaps of weight on your shitty holiday and that no girls want to have sex with you ever again! What happened to only wanting to have sex when it meant something haha you were just lying to yourself buddy. GROW UP AND THINK ABOUT HOW OTHER PEOPLE FEEL YOU MOTHERFUCKING FAGGOT SCUM MAGGOTFACE

From me - your ex girlfriend who will never have sex with you again and who is more gorgeous and sexier than ever!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

damn right. you are more gorgeous and sexier than ever!