Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Dear Peter,

I can not stand you. You are beyond ignorant and obnoxious. You think you' re better than eveyrone BUT YOU'RE NOT! You're a cold hearted bitch that no one likes. You're failure at life and you think everyone is your friend, BUT THEY AREN'T. At lunch when bluhan confronted you about taking her seat, it was not because she was kidding...SHE DOES NOT LIKE YOU!!!!!!!!! You think everyone is stupid and that they try hard and thats why they do well in their classes, but have you ever thought that people are just naturally smart. The reason you are so mean to people because you are insecure about yourself. The reason you look at yourself in the mirror so much because you know that you have a problem...with your face and everything else. You're a waste of space and I'm so glad that next year i will not have any classes with you. In middle school you were actually nice and i could tolerate you, but now i just can't stand you. I wish someone would just tell you off one day and put you in your place becuase eventuall I will. You ae sooo slefish and you just use people for your own advantage. Sometimes I just feel like slapping you because I CANT STAND YOU!... one day I hope you find out that no one likes you and that you really need to stop putting people down. YOURE A FREAKING UGLY PERSONNNNNN!!!! I HATE YOU!

Physics Partner

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