Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Dear Peter...

I hate this situation.

I hate that we like each other so much, and yet are scared to get together because we're so scared to hurt one another.

I hate the fact that, in 3 months, you're leaving for a town 5 hours drive away, when I can't afford a car.

I hate it that this is probably the most intense friendship I've ever experienced, but I'm messing it up by being in love with you.

We would be perfect: we're best friends; we always put each other first; we know each other inside-out. I have a level of trust and acceptance with you that I don't even feel from my own family.

You're the only person that I feel no doubt about whatsoever. Please don't be scared of hurting me. Even after everything that happened, I still love you. And I would never dream to hurt you, either.

It hurts me more that you're too scared to give it a go. We will always be best friends. No matter what.

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