Thursday, September 16, 2010


I hate you Peter, you self obsessed wanker.
I hate how you pretended you didn't know I used to like you.
And made me tell you on facebook.
Once I did tell you though; you obv pretended that you liked me just to piss me off,
What the hell is the matter with you, nice guys don't lead people on, Peter?!
with all your hearts and "goodnight sweetheart" and calling me "beautiful" i actually started to consider you again.
I hate how the next day, you started the conversation with "I'm only talking to you because you said you liked talking to me <3<3** ^^"
and how you then went on and flirted the whole day through.
I love how cunning I AM though, and asked you what you "had been doing all day."
you then replied with "Dick head stayed over last night, we didn't get any sleep, although, she promised it ;)"
NO PETER. JUST NO. You just don't do that.
lead people on. for a week or so. then decide your going to screw some other girl and brag about it.
what were you looking for? a reaction?!
since then, no word from Peter, but I'm telling you now.
I'm glad I asked the twat what he'd done, otherwise id still be liking him today.

P.S. he got with "It" later on that day.
flirting with me when he was planning on asking her out ¬_¬

"Love you" from Liverpool

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