Thursday, September 16, 2010


I hate him because...
He isn't who he says he is. He isn't some poor helpless abused loveless child or whatever he's trying to pull. He doesnt even care about all the girls he dates. If you he and his girlfriend broke up he would probably try and get another girlfriend as quickly as possible. He's hiding behind his ego, and he's stuck in a game of hide and seek with every girl. He isn't a womanizer or something, so I don't know why everyone's dating him. He's not NICE, he's not FUNNY, he's not even cute. He just wants to brag that he has a girlfriend.

Also, when he said he was gonna break up with my BEST FRIEND, and she said that she wanted to break up with him, he launches into some huge "OH EM GEE IM SOOO SORRY LIEK I LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER#@@$!!!!" and she's automatically like "ok" for some freakish, unknown reason, one of the many reasons I hate him. Um, that's what he said to ME when I wanted to break up with him. Um, he kinda rebounded quickly (took him two days!). He didn't care about me. He dated me to get to my BEST FRIEND. There was no misunderstanding, he thought that our whole relationship was a misunderstanding. He asked me out. He played me before I knew he was bad. End of story. He dated my other friend to get back to me to get to my BEST friend.

He was trying to turn my best friend against me too. He threatened to break up with my best friend because she believed her FRIENDS over your BOYFRIEND, and I think that it's normal to believe your friends over your boyfriend. Um, I would find that a sign that he's a USER. But he's not. He's just a nerd some hicktown school that moved to ours and thoguth, "hmm, I guess that since I'm here I should be a man whore!! then everyone would love me!"

He was all sad one day, and I asked him "why the hell you sad, fool? you have all the fucking girls in the school drooling over your sorry ass." and he said, "you would laugh knowing you if you found out."

TURNS OUT HIS MOM'S BABY DIED IN THE WOMB. He said that I would LAUGH at that. He is cruel and heartless and he deserves to be alone for the rest of his life.

And then, he breaks UP with my best friend. After all that time he took to get with her. He tested her to see how faithful she was by CHEATING on her (makes no sense, I know), and that was what really set it off. when he tried to apologize to her, she was sort of a jerk to him because she was mad then he decided that it should be officially over between them, so the next day, he gave a note to my OTHER GREAT FRIEND that said she was beautiful and that she was his "sun, moon, and startlit sky"...all the things he's ever told me, and my best friend. then he gave her another note that said, "in case you were wondering, i dont like *bestfriend* anymore." she ripped it into little pieces, caught his eye, and dumped all the pieces on the table. then she broke down crying. that night, she put all her thoughts down on paper, folded it up, and gave it to him next morning. he tore it up and threw it away. she started crying...again. he's ignored all of us ever since then. she found out on the day before the last day of school that he had been cheating on her the whole time with SOME RANDOM GIRL I DON'T EVEN EFFING KNOW.

And because of all this,
1. Another one of my friends is being homeschooled next year, he talked sexually to her after he broke up with her, as far as I know.
2. My best friend now doesn't believe in love anymore.
3. I am now the most cautious person in the world when it comes to guys.
4. My good friend (the one he flirted with when I was dating him) had to break up with him, and that was the first time she ever broke up with a guy, and she was absolutely devastated.
5. A great year was ruined in our lives by that poisonus boy.

So that, my friends, is why I hate Peter. I know that, if my best friend ever comes across this, she will know it was me and understand why I posted this.

To release the anger, the tension, everything that he has given me.

If he is reading this,
Dear Peter,
Please go to hell.


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