Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I wasted 3 years with you. You fucked up my head worse then my last girlfriend, whom you thought you were so much better than, but your not. All you are is bipolar, with delusions of grandeur, you really believe you can achieve your dreams? An ambassador of peace? Someone can't be selfish to accomplish that, idiotic or non-logical! You used me for so many things, you mentally tortured me, you made me feel so low, and I did the opposite, how could I possibly have loved you? I don't hate you, I just want you to fail at everything, your dreams, tes amoureux, and cry yourself to sleep at night! Oh yeah, and have your precious mother die from her disgusting habit of smoking as soon as possible, by the way, remember how you told me that you were afraid to become like her? An old bitter french woman, who married drunks and the only one who was good enough got a divorce from her? Having a good time in Belgium? Good cause thats the last of it, your gonna fail! Karma is a bitch, and you got a lot of it coming your way! Using words to get me to stay and give you so much attention, chasing you, while you flirted with other guys, and fucking them too! What the hell is wrong with you? You had it all, a beautiful boyfriend, american boyfriend, time to study but getting love on so many different levels and you had to do nothing in return. It was nothing for me to lose, but everything for you! Thank god I have the sense to deny the bipolar manuplative, cold hearted, selfish, fake whore of a bitch that you are when you DO come back to me AGAIN!

Did I mention that I'm going to be the one to become a diplomat? Thats what I want to be now, and I always get what I want, just like how I wanted to you to go away again, only to come back to me again one day and I can just say "ha, tu as eu ta occasion, en fait 10 fois adieu (pour toi) !" Yeah, I'm sleeping with a diplomate now, she works for Japan, and I'm meeting a lot of amazing people cause this postgraduate that I'm doing in England has gotten me to meet people from oxford, cambridge and all over the world who are involved in that!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats harsh - being bi polar is a mental illness you tard