Look Peter,
I told you I wanted nothing to do with you over a year ago. The police contacted you personally to warn you about playing on my phone. You almost lost your job and went to jail for stalking and harassment because you couldn't get over the fact we weren't friends anymore. You still go around talking shit about me to people I know or used to be associated with. You'll stop in your tracks whenever you see me in the street just to stare at me and see what the fuck I'm doing. Get over it! I'm too through with you! I want nothing to do with you now or ever again!
The only reason why you are still mad is because I told you the honest truth about yourself in the end. You knew I was right when I called your bluff about trying to cause problems in MY house and having the nerve to criticize me when your life is nothing more than one big ass dysfunctional ghetto soap opera. You are a fucking liar and a thief. You know you stole from my house and blamed it on an innocent person because you wanted him out of the way. It killed you to see that I was FINALLY minding my own business and living my own life instead of being your damn sugar tit all the time. You just had to show your ass and try to play me but you ended up playing yourself because you lost the only TRUE friend you've ever had in your life. I was the only person besides your mother that did anything to help you and your children after your wack ass baby's daddy left your skank ass. The entire time you used me when all I tried to do was fucking help you back on your feet. I wasted three fucking years of my life trying to help you become a better person. EVERYONE (my family, friends, the authorities, and even YOUR OWN MOTHER AND EX) warned me that you weren't shit and to leave your ass alone. I saw your nasty ways during the friendship but I still remained loyal. I should've listened to them because they were right!
I paid to move you out of your old place into that new apartment. I almost lost my job to keep an eye on your kids because your broke ass couldn't afford child care. It was me (and my older sister) that got clothing for your children when they had nothing to wear. Shit, your kids had Easter dinner and baskets because I paid for it! You came up in my shit almost everyday and ate MY food and used MY stuff without replacing it or offering to chip in. Every fucking week you called or came to my house at all times of the day and night to cry about some dude that humped and dumped your stupid ass. I never got a "thank you" for any of that shit! Instead I had to put up with death threats from that psycho ass, deadbeat, Uncle Tom baby daddy of yours. I put up with your fat, stinking, lazy, nasty, no shower taking, begging ass sister when she tried to bring drama to my house. I've had females I didn't even know coming to my house wanting to fight because you have your legs open wide for everybody's man. Worst of all, people in my neighborhood started to look at me crazy because you were the one screwing everybody at my apartment complex. I couldn't even take my daughter out to play or check the mail without strange looks from people because you wanted to whore around where I stay at! I almost got a bad reputation because I was associated with a ho like you!
Peter, you're a complete fuck up. Everybody knows it. People have always talked about you like a dog and will continue to do so because you live foul as fuck. You dropped out of school before you were 16. You spent your youth chasing dick, getting wasted on drugs and alcohol, hanging out with a bunch of degenerates, giving your parents trouble, and trying to be grown. You ended up having two kids by the age of 18 with a 25 year old bum that didn't give two shits about you and definitely didn't give a shit about the kids. He kept his foot in your ass and didn't even have a pot to piss in but you stayed with him over ten years because your weak ass needed an excuse to feel sorry for yourself and get sympathy from others. You've had that mentality all your life because you were never strong enough to grow the fuck up, be an adult, and handle your business. Nobody is to blame for your fucked up "life" except you. Don't blame your family and ex for your actions and behavior. YOU put yourself in fucked up predicaments again and again then expect people to stop everything to come to your rescue. That's the REAL reason why you always have drama and nothing good ever comes your way.
Another thing you should know is that you're an obnoxious, immature, trashy, disgusting, ugly, hatin' ass, scarred up, meth whore looking bitch. You were fucking jealous of me and you know it! You wished you had it like me and still do! I may not be as rich as Oprah or fine as Beyonce but I'm real. People like me because I don't try to be something I'm not. I get respect because I don't get off on fucking people over. I remember all those things you've ever said about me behind my back. It didn't bother me at all because I'm very secure with myself. Unlike you, I'm not sorry white trash in blackface. I'm the smart, strong, sexy, charismatic, and black woman you WISH you could be! Do you really think all the black people you know laugh and joke with you out of acceptance and love? Hell no! The sad truth is that they (and everyone else) are laughing in your face because you're a sad ass joke. You make an ass of yourself because you try to be something you're not. You'll never be accepted by just because you've fucked more blacks that Hurricane Katrina and speak fluent Ebonics. Please believe it has nothing to do with your looks or personality. You lack both! Bitch, you didn't even own a real piece of jewelery or wear good makeup until you hung around me anyways. You look like fucking shit. No guy worth having would ever want to take you out or introduce you to his people because you're a hot mess. Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately? You have those nasty ass suicide scars all over your arms, big dark circles around your eyes, and stringy ass nasty looking hair. Then your body is disgusting too. You're not the shit just because you're slim. You have no kind of shape whatsoever. Everyone says you are strung out on drugs because you look like a crackwhore. I'd swear you're somewhere around 40 instead of 29 because you are ran the fuck over!
Peter you are nothing but a pile of hot, nasty, stinking shit. It's no surprise to me anymore why your own father and brothers want nothing to do with you. I also see why you could never keep any real friends or have a healthy relationship with any guy you were ever involved with. Get your shit together. Concentrate on getting your GED, get a real makeover, and check yourself into a psychiatric ward. Do you and stop worrying about me. You get no love from me you dirty cunt.
So Over It
(Columbus, GA)
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