Friday, May 28, 2010


I hate you Peter. I hate you for being a bitch to me. I'm tired of you treating me like I'm less than you. I am not retarded, in fact I'm a hell of a lot smarter than you. I deck you in every argument, but you manipulate and hurt me at the core. You're malicious and heartless, you are mean, cruel, and selfish. I'm done being there for you. You only care about me when it's convenient, that's not friendship. I am not your friend. I am not a possession of yours that you can set aside when you're tired of me. I need someone to trust, and i know i cannot trust you. You lie to me, you lie about me, you're rude to me, you try to tell me what to do. I know who I am, I have a strong sense of self, I am independent, strong willed, and entirely capable of achieving my dreams. You are not like me. You are jealous, and insecure, and afraid. I will not let you tear me down anymore. Goodbye Peter, you filthy fuck.

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