Friday, May 28, 2010


Peter, you are the biggest piece of shit I have ever met. You are exactly what everyone of your "friends" said you were. You will never find anything better than me. Oh, and thanks for taking my trust and obliterating it. Awesome job, buddy. Why would you want to date someone if you are still in love with someone else? It just doesn't make any logical sense. I want to take back all of the time I gave you (THE GAS MONEY TOO). I told the boys about how the sex lasted A SINGLE MINUTE (swear I'm not elaborating and Peter knows it). You will always be under Voldemort's powers and you know it; so, just stop playing with people's feelings (note I said PEOPLE and not GIRLS). Remember that story about how the guy bashed in your jeep's windows and slashed the tires? Yeah, I'm pissed he thought of it before I did because now I would just look tacky. You deserve it. You disgust me. I should not have given you a chance. I'm so glad that everyone hates you. Thanks for lying to the point where I'm not even sure that you can tell what's true or not anymore. Way to go, asshole. Peter, you suck. Peter, you suck. Peter, your music is fucking terrible.

Best Girlfriend You'll Never Get Back....Ever.

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