Friday, May 28, 2010


to peter
i hate how i am always there for you and you are not here for me while i am going through such a hard time in my life
peter i hate how we are so called best friends when i feel it is a one way street a significant amount of times
peter i hate how you take me for granted like when you can call and have a shoulder to lean on anytime, since you know i am not the type to ever ignore my friends.
peter i hate how unappreciative you are when I give you money because I know you are a single parent.
peter i hate how unappreciative you are when I take care of your child because i love you and see how hard you struggle day in and day out.
peter i hate how you have never ever visited my home, except for the one time that I drove you here.
peter i hate how i feel obligated to make sure you get to have a dose of fun once in a while, even if it means that i burn a hole in my wallet.
Peter i hate how you hurt yourself over and over again and are not able to see that you may have a serious problem on your hands.
peter i hate how you think i judge you because of the numerous amount of people you have been with because i really do not and will not ever judge.
peter i wish you would realize how much i care about you and just stop hurting yourself.
peter i don't understand how you are always willing to bend over backwards to meet up with your flings that are using and you can't even go out of your way for me once.
Peter i drive you everywhere and you don't even care.
peter i hate how you take me for granted and dont realize that i am a fucking good friend to you
peter you hurt me when you dont try to see how i am ever doing
peter i know i have a couple of friends who are also just like you peter but they are not my childhood friend or my best friend
Peter I dont know how to even bring this up to you since i know you are such a sensitive emotional person
peter i hate how you think i am so independent and will probably never realize that i am human too and need some same reciprocation.
peter i want you to know i am NOT some kind of therapist that you go to or i would be damn rich, i am a friend and hate this one way shit,
peter i hate how i allow myself to be an available push over to you and all the other peter's out there!

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