Friday, May 28, 2010


Dear Peter,

There are a lot of things you hate in this world and you are definitely one of them. You make yourself miserable, the mere sight of you saddens me, you pretend to be happy and you know you aren't. Peter, I just cant stand to see you like this. Everything pisses you off. I see you crumble and weep when you think that you are alone but I know the truth. You aren't as strong as you think you are. I pity you Peter, I really do. You have no life, and you are always depressed or angry, and if it isn't one thing its always another. Sometimes I wish you were gone Peter. Far, far, FAR away where no one knows you and maybe you can be happy there. Start again fresh. But until then you are just a depressed nobody who doesn't know how to change. Peter, I hate everything about you. You sicken me to the point that I no longer want to look into the mirror because I have to see your face. I don't know how or when you will ever be truly happy again, but I can promise you it wont happen anytime soon. I hate myself and I can do nothing to change the way I feel. I will be miserable for the rest of my life. I don't know how much longer I can pretend to be happy, I'm so sick of you Peter. CHANGE PETER, CHANGE. LEARN HOW TO LOVE YOURSELF.

When the day comes, you will notice a change in your life. But until then, you are a nobody. You worthless bitch, you make me miserable. I hate you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i hear you