Thursday, December 18, 2008


I fucking hate you Peter! It feels so good to say it. The last thing I
said to you was I love you and that didn't turn out so well. And now I'm
choosing that I'm finally going to be happy without you. But here is the
catch you ass whipe. I know...YOU STILL LOVE ME, I can see it in the way
you look at me, and you're just still too BUTT HURT over the girl who
hurt you FOUR year ago....FOUR FUCKING YEARS ago!!! We were great
together, you made me such a better person and you don't even know
it-you thought I was already perfect-but when I met you I finally
couldn't stop smiling. You return home 3000 miles away and we end it
because neither of us believe in long distance. Now you come home and
treat me like your sweetheart again-kiss, have sex, and couldn't be
happier we are together again and the next day tell me we can't go back
to a relationship because YOU DON"T WANT TO HURT ME!???? TOO LATE PUSSY
BITCH. Fine, I'm done trying, but here is the thing... Right here: Have
fun denying your love for me when every one of your friends, teammates,
and family absolutely ADORE me, and tell you how im SUCH a GREAT GIRL.
How you should hold onto me cause IM A KEEPER. Have fun drowning
yourself in alcohol-I won't be there to stop you anymore.

No more love from,
The sweetheart with the nerve to adore you.
PS:I can't wait until 2 months down the line of being back in Portland
when it hits you, too bad I made up my mind. I really do hate you.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Why do you always rant for 10 minutes (at least) when I can't answer one tiny question. To be honest, Peter, you need to get a life rather than spending your spare time marking our papers. That's just it, you work for us BITCH! Maybe you should think about that!
Also the door, is supposed to be cold. Especially in winter when there is a massive gust of wind on my legs every five seconds. And when me and 'Perry' want to throw pens at the ceiling, you need to turn around dumbass. I hate that ridiculous burger cushion and the crappy E.T one. Seriosuly man, you are not 5 years old. (far off it)
Stop looking like such a guy. Get a life and stop getting so angry about the gradient of a bloody line. YOU ARE A MASSIVE (literally) LOSER!! I HATE YOU PETER!!!

Lots of love,

Peter Hater.

Monday, December 8, 2008


i hate you peter ... i truly hate u. actually i dont hate u ... i have no feeligns for u ... neither like nor hate ... u dont even deserve my hate. i hate u ... i hate u ... i hate u ... for all those ugly times u lied to me in my face and i believed you ... for all those times, u blamed me for things and i kept shut coz i didnt have words to explain or defend myself. u took that as my weakness and used it, but i was shut coz i didnt want to fight.
i hate u n will go on hating you

Monday, December 1, 2008


I hate you Peter. You were born in a small town and that is all that you'll ever be. You're an addict, just like your dad and brother. Your look up to people who are absolutely pathetic and will never be there for you if you needed them. I don't think you'll ever finish college, but keep telling people you're going for your master's (when you're still a freshman pursuing your bachelor's). I hope that you find a girl who "satisfies" every aspect of your life like your loser cousin Peter has. I'm the way I am because of how you have treated me. I don't like sex anymore because of how you ignored me in the first two years of our relationship. You made comments to me about how "smoking" other girls were. What the fuck? You fucking idiot! You flat out ignored me when we were out with other people, especially your friends. But I'm the one with the problem for not wanting to be around those people anymore. I was never an introvert before I met you. I had friends and a life. I gave these things up for you. I loved you. I absolutely hate you now. I devoted my life to you. I dropped out of school for you. I moved to your shithole town for you. I rejected other men's advances, for you. You are a pathetic loser. You are fat. You are ugly. You're so far from being intellectual it makes me laugh. You think you are so brilliant. "Well Josh and I were talking about global warming the other day." Yeah, most people who haven't been under a rock know what global warming is. You are horrible with your money and rely on your parents for everything. I don't know many 25 year olds that have their parents paying their cell phone bill, gas, college tuition, and possibly (if you get what you want) a nearly $800 a month truck payment. You are a waste of life and I wish I had never met you. Today, Thanksgiving day, I chose to stay in Phoenix so we could spend the holiday with your horrible family. Instead I'm at home while you're at the gym with your cousin and friend. Three hours after you left. Am I really supposed to believe you're still at the gym? I fucking hate you. You asked me when I woke up this morning if I would like to take the dog for a walk. I said yes. You then proceeded to leave to go work out because if you didn't, Peter would refer to you as a pussy. What a complete loser. What a follower. You say I'm a follower? When is the last time I did something someone else asked of me because I felt pressured? Never! I don't fit in! I'm a loser and definitely not a follower. I hope you get in a car accident and die. I can't believe I'm still with you, after all the dissapointments. You are my biggest regret. I hate you Peter.


Apathetic in AZ