Thursday, December 18, 2008


I fucking hate you Peter! It feels so good to say it. The last thing I
said to you was I love you and that didn't turn out so well. And now I'm
choosing that I'm finally going to be happy without you. But here is the
catch you ass whipe. I know...YOU STILL LOVE ME, I can see it in the way
you look at me, and you're just still too BUTT HURT over the girl who
hurt you FOUR year ago....FOUR FUCKING YEARS ago!!! We were great
together, you made me such a better person and you don't even know
it-you thought I was already perfect-but when I met you I finally
couldn't stop smiling. You return home 3000 miles away and we end it
because neither of us believe in long distance. Now you come home and
treat me like your sweetheart again-kiss, have sex, and couldn't be
happier we are together again and the next day tell me we can't go back
to a relationship because YOU DON"T WANT TO HURT ME!???? TOO LATE PUSSY
BITCH. Fine, I'm done trying, but here is the thing... Right here: Have
fun denying your love for me when every one of your friends, teammates,
and family absolutely ADORE me, and tell you how im SUCH a GREAT GIRL.
How you should hold onto me cause IM A KEEPER. Have fun drowning
yourself in alcohol-I won't be there to stop you anymore.

No more love from,
The sweetheart with the nerve to adore you.
PS:I can't wait until 2 months down the line of being back in Portland
when it hits you, too bad I made up my mind. I really do hate you.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Why do you always rant for 10 minutes (at least) when I can't answer one tiny question. To be honest, Peter, you need to get a life rather than spending your spare time marking our papers. That's just it, you work for us BITCH! Maybe you should think about that!
Also the door, is supposed to be cold. Especially in winter when there is a massive gust of wind on my legs every five seconds. And when me and 'Perry' want to throw pens at the ceiling, you need to turn around dumbass. I hate that ridiculous burger cushion and the crappy E.T one. Seriosuly man, you are not 5 years old. (far off it)
Stop looking like such a guy. Get a life and stop getting so angry about the gradient of a bloody line. YOU ARE A MASSIVE (literally) LOSER!! I HATE YOU PETER!!!

Lots of love,

Peter Hater.

Monday, December 8, 2008


i hate you peter ... i truly hate u. actually i dont hate u ... i have no feeligns for u ... neither like nor hate ... u dont even deserve my hate. i hate u ... i hate u ... i hate u ... for all those ugly times u lied to me in my face and i believed you ... for all those times, u blamed me for things and i kept shut coz i didnt have words to explain or defend myself. u took that as my weakness and used it, but i was shut coz i didnt want to fight.
i hate u n will go on hating you

Monday, December 1, 2008


I hate you Peter. You were born in a small town and that is all that you'll ever be. You're an addict, just like your dad and brother. Your look up to people who are absolutely pathetic and will never be there for you if you needed them. I don't think you'll ever finish college, but keep telling people you're going for your master's (when you're still a freshman pursuing your bachelor's). I hope that you find a girl who "satisfies" every aspect of your life like your loser cousin Peter has. I'm the way I am because of how you have treated me. I don't like sex anymore because of how you ignored me in the first two years of our relationship. You made comments to me about how "smoking" other girls were. What the fuck? You fucking idiot! You flat out ignored me when we were out with other people, especially your friends. But I'm the one with the problem for not wanting to be around those people anymore. I was never an introvert before I met you. I had friends and a life. I gave these things up for you. I loved you. I absolutely hate you now. I devoted my life to you. I dropped out of school for you. I moved to your shithole town for you. I rejected other men's advances, for you. You are a pathetic loser. You are fat. You are ugly. You're so far from being intellectual it makes me laugh. You think you are so brilliant. "Well Josh and I were talking about global warming the other day." Yeah, most people who haven't been under a rock know what global warming is. You are horrible with your money and rely on your parents for everything. I don't know many 25 year olds that have their parents paying their cell phone bill, gas, college tuition, and possibly (if you get what you want) a nearly $800 a month truck payment. You are a waste of life and I wish I had never met you. Today, Thanksgiving day, I chose to stay in Phoenix so we could spend the holiday with your horrible family. Instead I'm at home while you're at the gym with your cousin and friend. Three hours after you left. Am I really supposed to believe you're still at the gym? I fucking hate you. You asked me when I woke up this morning if I would like to take the dog for a walk. I said yes. You then proceeded to leave to go work out because if you didn't, Peter would refer to you as a pussy. What a complete loser. What a follower. You say I'm a follower? When is the last time I did something someone else asked of me because I felt pressured? Never! I don't fit in! I'm a loser and definitely not a follower. I hope you get in a car accident and die. I can't believe I'm still with you, after all the dissapointments. You are my biggest regret. I hate you Peter.


Apathetic in AZ

Friday, November 21, 2008


I fucking hate you right now Peter. Let's start with that. Let's see
how far you can push people and be justified. Do you even exist
anymore, or has your ego swallowed you fucking whole? I called you
disgusting. You know what you said? "I am human and I make mistakes,
but you should think about what you say to people that you love
because you make them feel guilty." So apparently if you are human,
it's OK to go and fuck my best friend while you are married to my
other best friend, but it's not human to respond to that by getting
angry about it and calling that person disgusting in the heat of the

You want to have her babies and move in with her. That's what you
said. But then you say to your wife that you aren't ready for a
divorce; you will work on things with her if only she will be more
like my friend. Guess what? I know you better than my friend does. She
just met you. and I know my friend better than you. I've known her my
whole life. You know what's going on? You are a big fucking baby and
after your wife stopped breast-feeding you and lovingly encouraged you
(yes, was rooting for you) to go to the summer abroad program and
advance your career instead of sulking around the house, you returned
the favor by sleeping with my best friend and falling in love with
her. Let me tell you something you don't know. You are my friend's
little counseling project. You've moved from one breast to the next
and she'll get bored of you. She always does.

Or maybe not. Maybe your life will go on to be wonderful with her.
Then what are you waiting for? Why are you punishing your wife making
her think that it's not over? Why can't you just let her be? do you
have to destroy her more? She already gets drunk every night to fall

You're still coming out of your mother, you little fucking baby.
Things happen, shit happens. I'm old enough to know this. But you can
divorce people with dignity and honesty.

I'm done, I'm out of it. Whatever will be will be. But don't tell me
that anger isn't just as human as lust.

Kinda feel bad about what I said but not really.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


I have tried so very hard to be a good Christian, Peter, and see the good in you. But there is no good to be found. All you do is lie and manipulate and create the drama you claim so frequently to despise. I have been able to prove you were lying in every instance, with actual evidence, and yet you always choose to stick with the lies. That just makes you even more pathetic. If you're going to choose the life of a pathelogical liar, at least be good at it. Some examples? You made up an entire story that you were raped, and that you were going to court on some date to testify to keep him in jail. When I searched the cases for that date Peter, you were in court the day you claimed, but not to testify. No, you were in court because a credit card company was after you. You are the one behind all the pathetic prank calls, of that we are positive. You are the one that almost ruined his parent's credit by purchasing under their account. Of that we are positive. Your own "friends" have ratted you out. When I saw you in person, i confronted you and you said the guy next to you was the one you were dating, and that you were happy for us so could not be the person doing all those things. When the guy turned around, you sure were surprised when he turned out to be one of my friends. And he was single. In fact, this is what he had to say about you Peter and me and the situation:
"no we are not dating. Peter's asked me out before, but I think i could do better. my best friend used to date E, Peters best friend. that's how i know her. we've always been cool. but I've honestly only hungout with her a total of 5 times. and as to her personality, she's just like E, who is also a lying, dramatic person. so what your telling me about how she's been acting, I can truly see her doing that. as to what happened saturday night, she came up to me crying saying something about her ex and that she's being harrased. but I kind knew the truth because she pointed you out. and I may not know you well but, what i have noticed is that you have alot of integrity. your not going to stoop to that level. but she was crying and asking me to take her out of the bar. and since I cant say no to a girl crying, I took Peter outside. our mutual friend called me the next day and told me what Peter had told you in regards to our "relationship". that pissed me off. because honestly, come on, I used to date models for christ sake. so i was actually going to come on here and set the record strait. I would just laughed at Peter. she really just sounds pathetic. I don't know. your much more attractive, intellegent, and have a much stronger strength of character then she does. I just don't let Peter get to you. thats what these people thrive on."

See? Even other people can see what you really are Peter. A lying, dramatic person. You are so pathetic that after a year and a half of you not being with him, you still can't leave us alone. Really? I mean, seriously? Get a fucking life. I have never met a person like you. When people break up, its natural to be hurt and maybe to do a couple stupid things, but not to continue with psycho behavior for a year and a half. You are that psycho Peter. And you've gotten really fat. Therefore, you are a fat psycho. But don't worry Peter, I'm sure one day a nice chubby chaser will come along and you'll finally have someone.

You, Peter, are like a virus. You infect people's lives. I am confident that one day every person in your life will see you for what you truly are, Peter. I am confident that one day you will grow so tired of looking in the mirror and seeing nothing but a fraud that you will make yourself physically ill. You will get yours, Peter. Not by my hand, because I am better than that. I am better than you. I have more class right now than you will ever have in your entire life.
I was thinking about it, and at first I wished that you would die. After everything that you have put his family through, me through, and just overall how psychotic your behavior has been...but then i reconsidered. I don't want you to die. Instead, I only wish that you be involved in an accident so extreme, that it leaves you a living vegetable, with your brain perfectly intact so that you would still be fully aware of everything, yet not able to speak or move. You would have to spend the rest of your life, trapped in your body with only your thoughts. You'd have to spend the rest of your life thinking about how pathetic your life was, what a waste of life you were, all the people you lied to, manipulated, and disappointed. That, my dear Peter, is worse than death. And that is what I wish for you.

Oh, and Peter? You really have no business wearing short shorts or leggings. Nobody likes seeing cellulite, even on a 23yr old and the leggings just make your legs looks like fat wrapped sausages.

Integrity in B-Town


I feel like I’m a pretty fair guy, Peter. I’m willing to be patient with people on the other end of the phone that I’ve never met, not because I’m trying to grease the wheels but just because I’m a decent guy. I called because my CD-ROM drive doesn’t work. You gave me some automated bullshit, which I expected, so that’s no big deal. But when I finally spoke to someone his name was “Kevin” and not Prakesh or Raj or Samir or some perfectly acceptable Indian name you’ve made him change. I don’t blame him for the charade, and I try my best to understand his accent because I figure, hey, I don’t speak a word of his language and he’s pretty good at speaking mine, so he’s the smart one in this conversation. But you know, I’m talking to someone in India and the connection isn’t always good halfway around the world, so I lose the call. I call back and traverse the same bullshit, but now I’m talking to “Rock.” Okay, Rock, let’s do this. I try to explain how I extended the warranty and had the laptop fixed a month ago. But I can barely hear Rock because of the static, so I just have to hang up. Round three. I call and get to the last level before the boss, which is ten minutes of waiting, listening to elevator music. Then you come on the phone in your automated bullshit voice: “We are no longer going to help you at this time. Hang up.” FUCK OFF INTO OUTER SPACE! You FUCKBAG! What the fuck kind of customer service is this? I’m supposed to wait for 10 minutes, after an hour and a half of getting the runaround for you to INSTRUCT ME TO HANG UP?!! It wasn’t “we’re sorry, but we can’t help you at this time” which would have been one tiny scintilla better, but “We are no longer going to help you at this time.” I want to yank your nipples off and stuff them in your nostrils and fill your mouth with cement until you expire. But I can’t, because you’re not a real person, Peter, you’re a service offered by a very big, bullshit corporation that likes to sodomize people (metaphorically) through a very convoluted system involving intelligent, urban Indian twenty-somethings and an automated spiked vibrator service. Now I’m just going to take it somewhere else to someone who won’t be such a royal cocktease and who will just fix my damn CD-ROM drive.

-Ripped Off in Rochester

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


You know what Peter? I'm tired of this. I'm fed up with you making plans to hang out with me and then choosing to either cancel, or not show up because it's raining, or you fell asleep. Fuck that. It's happened at least 4 times in the past week and you blame it on your video game. Now that you're in a relationship, I asked you why you didn't tell me and you say it's because I don't need to know everything about your life. I ask only because I'm curious and hope that just MAYBE you trust me enough to tell me about something that important. Whenever we see eachother you find some method of knocking me down, whether it be comparing me to another girl or telling me that you find me "repulsive" and even insulting what I take in school. I wonder if it's because you constantly need to find a way to verify that what you do in life is better than what I do. Now what is it that you do? You live with your parents, you have no job and yet here you are making fun of ME. You call me immature when it's you who kicks me and scratches me when I make some harmless jibe, and yet I'm supposed to suck it up and not be such a "pussy" when you take it out on me. Your logic is fucked up, way more than anyone I know and your ego is so blown out of proportion that I can't possibly think of a way to bring it down a notch. Sometimes you piss me off to such a great extent that I am actually unable to think of why I still talk to you.

Monday, October 27, 2008


God I hate you, Peter!! I hate you because it’s the only emotion I can have that doesn’t involve blaming myself in any way for what happened. Am I the only accepting person left on the fucking planet? Why don’t we all just go around with checklists and hand them out to one another before a word is even spoken! That way we can find out about all those little things that don’t jive with exactly every fucking thing we want out of a person right off the bat. You don’t go to concerts? Who doesn’t fucking go to concerts for Christ’s sake? You’re breaking up with me because you don’t go to fucking concerts? You couldn’t have found a shred of entertainment from the Mountain Goats, if it meant me not having to go to the concert alone? Fuck you, Peter! I don’t even know why I am upset about this! Probably because you seem to have this all figured out and somehow I’m asking too much by asking you to go to a concert. Or pick me up from the airport? That’s what people in relationships do, Peter. Being in a relationship means always having someone around that will pick you up from the fucking airport. I wish you weren’t so cool and interesting and beautiful. Maybe if you weren’t I wouldn’t have felt so inadequate around you and I wouldn’t have acted like such an idiot. You enrage me Peter. You make me want to start smoking again. At least now if I have a smoke after 2 or 10 beers I won’t be paranoid that you might detect it in the taste of my mouth the next day.

Denver Disappointment

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Goddammit Peter! Why the hell did you have to go and change the admin password to something so ridiculously long? It's bad enough that I have to go and deal with all these pissed off self-entitled asshats but now I have to fumble with a password that is so long I'm already exhausted after entering it. I'm going to snatch that curly hair right out of your fucking head and use it to start a fire in your cube! Go choke on a Doberman's smelly cock!

Dismayed @ Datacenter

Friday, October 24, 2008


Here I am applying for jobs and not getting in response back from them, Trying and trying to get any job just to bring some money into the house, O and applying to crappy jobs that I don’t even what to do... You come in the house all happy and shit telling me how happy are you at your job and all this shit I could careless about, Annoying the shit out for me.. I hate it when you call me around noon talking about the same shit you talked about yesterday as if I forget about how great your job is.. Please stop being so self centered and see that your wife is here stressing because she is trying her best to go back to work but no one wants to hire her because she has kids and have been out of work for over 2+ yrs.. Stop being a self center piece of shit or else..and that’s not a threat that’s a promise.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Fuck you Peter. I'm so sick of you making fun of me and I'm fed up of you acting like I'm dispensible and making me feel like I don't matter at all. I don't know why I bother with you. I don't care what you think anymore because I know that whatever I say to you will fall on deaf ears.

Vexed in Vancouver

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Fuck you Peter. Fuck you and your constant self-assurance and your need to gloat. Don't tell me. Just don't. I don't care what grade you got, what work you finished, how amazing you are. Why should I? Just so I can feel worse about myself?

The sarcasm, the endless misinterpretation of everything I say, the way you laugh if I get pissed at you or if I glare. Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, I'm not joking? Because maybe, just maybe, it's not that funny? It's not all fun and games constantly pushing yourself to do as much as you possibly can, and it doesn't help when you shove your achievements in my face, and laugh when I get angry.

Irked at an Ivy League School

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


You are the biggest asshole I have ever met in my life... you pursued me for days until I decided to hang out with you and then we slept together and of course things changed, even after I told you I didn't want to sleep with you cause I knew I was going to regret it, and even then you kept me thinking there was something there, and then what? you stopped contacting me, won't even say hi to me, what is wrong with you, why couldn't you just go for one of the sluts that hangs out at your bar, why make SUCH an effort I mean 10 texts a day everyday for three days?? who does that for a girl they just want to sleep with, I was nothing but a chase, all you wanted was to sleep with me because I'm not one of those easy girls you're so used to, why introduce me to all your friends? why lead me on, knowing that I am not THAT type of girl, that if I slept with you it was only because I really liked you, you waited for me to fall and as soon as you lost interest you didn't even have the decency to tell me "hey, maybe we should just be friends" that is all I asked for, go on to completely ignore me for no reason, I was never clingy, I didn't call you every day, all I wanted was some respect... you are an idiot and you have no idea what you are missing out on, I was too good for you anyway, I mean you are never getting anywhere, I have a degree and a career, I never needed a looser like you. and you know what? I know I'm better off, and I know when we bump into each other again you are going to regret being such an ass.... I hope you're happy for making me feel like shit!! Have a nice life ASS!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


I hate you Peter for hitting me. It was a really wimpy hit, but still you fucking hit me! 8 years of drama grief and strife 8 years and after the divorce, the dissolution of our business and 3 years of sobriety on MY part you finally decide to hit me? Without provocation THIS time? You are such a fucking weenie loser Peter. You are way behind the times my doormat and I'm going to continue to move on... to a better place... without losers like you who can't even leave a bruise. You hit like a 7 year old girl scout doped up on katamine. Get a life far away from me.
Fed up in self-reliance land

Monday, September 8, 2008


I hate you Peter. You are not the father. I only keep you around so you
can do my housework and give me money. You are never having vagina off
me again. I will keep you till you die and I can get your life insurance.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


OH Peter. I thought some of the people I worked with are stupid, but you... well you just take stupid to a level that I've never experienced. You make everyone I work with look like Greek philosophy students who sit around discussing the Allegory of the Cave. You, Peter, probably don't know the definition of allegory, of for that matter cave.

Here's the thing. I know we're in a partnership. I know we have to "work together." But just because I'm sharing tape with you does not mean I have to be the editorial and logistics information center for my company as well as yours. YOUR company doesn't pay me to know which group that politician was speaking to today and where that group's convention was located. YOUR company doesn't pay me to provide information, that if you were doing your job (which on paper is the exact same as mine) you would already know.

Unfortunately, Peter, your company also doesn't pay me to tell you four simple little words that really do solve many of life's work-related information problems. Those words are, "Just Fucking Google It." Just do it. Just google it.

I'm going to share a secret with you. I didn't know where that convention was taking place today either. I didn't magically have the knowledge. So you know what I did, instead of calling you Peter, and asking... I just fucking googled it. It took a couple of tries but I stumbled on to a city and a time and even a mission statement.

I'm not trying to say I'm smarter than you Peter, I'm just more resourceful. And, well smarter. Yes, I'm smarter than you.

I've asked around about you Peter. I've asked people, "How'd Peter get that job?" Know one seems to know. The whisper is you've already slept your way to the middle. I hope for your sake your looks aren't the first thing to go. Not that I know what you look like since I only speak to you on the phone. But since you are exceedingly stupid, you better damn well be like 8000 times more beautiful than I am.

Just know this Peter, if there is some way I can get you fired so that I never have to speak to you again. I'll figure it out. Watch your back Peter. Watch your back.

- Mercilessly Plotting Mayhem in Manhattan

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I hate you Peter for your ridiculoulsy loud voice.

We sit in an open plan office and you, Peter, have the lungs of a Mammoth.

I have an idea, why not save on phone charges and just lean your head out of the window and talk. Any of the clients will surely hear you.

I go home with a headache each day, all I can hear when I go to sleep is your booming foghorn voice and frankly, Peter, it has to stop.

My God I hate you Peter

Deaf in Leeds

Friday, May 30, 2008


So, I just bought you, Peter, about a week ago and I'm addicted. I play you in the morning, I play you at night. I play you in my sleep. My fingers are mashing out fake chords from you right now. I'm not very good at you, but I'm obsessed with you. Damn you Activision. My fingers hurt. I'm losing sleep. I'm missing work. A lot of work. I hear your songs in my head. In fact I'm typing this to the beat of your latest song, Peter, that I can't seem to beat on "Expert." I need help. I was sitting at the bar with a girl the other night and a song came on and I was like "I know how to play this," ... on Peter III. Then she came over the my house and broke my lawn chair. Long story.

Also, I already know the entire soundtrack to you, Peter, and even though you already cost me like $70 bucks for you plus a novelty Fender-shaped controller, I have to buy more songs to download. And I'll definitely have to buy Peter II. and Peter III. and probably Peter IV, when it comes out. I can play you accoustically. Late at night, when my roommates are trying to sleep, I have to turn the volume down and all I hear are the clicking noises of your multicolored buttons. I hear it now.

Clickclickclick. Click Click. Click Click. Clickclickclick click click clickclickclick clickclick. I LOVE that song, which I think is by Black Sabbath. But I can't seem to master the bridge to My Name is Jonas. I guess I just need to practice more.

I hate you, Peter. I just want my life back.

- Played out in Philly

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I hate you, Peter.

You sit in your office all day and you don't do shit. That Ph.D. didn't get you anywhere- it only taught you that thinking is somehow equivalent to working. That's why I prefer to call it "getting shit done." Are you solving the world's problems in there? Better hire someone to write while you dictate, otherwise it will never be passed down and we will never understand the depth of your profound arguments. But I forgot- we are incompetent. We wouldn't understand anyway.

That must be why your emails are so long - because we aren't smart enough to understand concision. One must need a Ph.D. to understand exactly how fucking smart you really are. You are so goddamn smart that you take credit for all of our work and give us a "Thanks!" email with a smily face it in. However did you practice your manipulative techniques before email? Whatever would you have done without CC: and BCC:? You get so much work done that way!

Peter, one day I'm going to walk smiley-faced into your office and tell you about the new job I have. I'm going to thank you for the opportunity I had to learn so much from doing all of your work. My face will be smiling but my brain will be saying "I hate you, Peter. Fuck you very much."

Shot out to my ladies cube-side that hate Peter, too.

Restless in Wisconsin

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


i hate you peter. you are so full of shit. you spent so much damn money on that litte mother****** taht you wont fucking spend what you can safely invest in. Fucking barbie dolls, a damn laptop, a effing scooter, AND A FUCKING FLIP CELL PHONE, AND THEIR EFFING 8 YRS OLD!!!! You irritate me peter, you make my ass itch with a sensation so bad i can't damnit attempt to scratch it.

Friday, January 4, 2008


i hate you peter. my eggs are old and you keep reminding me:

"wow! you're already 30?"
"you should keep your body temp up so you can be fertile later."
"you know you need to have babies by a certain age, right?"


why do you care so much about my ovaries? they don't affect you in any way. if anything, you should be thanking me for not contributing to society's unwanted mess of mistakes, failures, and bastard children. my eggs may be old, but they're MY EGGS.

i hate you peter. i so hate you.

Miserable in Minneapolis