Sunday, October 11, 2009


Dear Peter.

I don't know how to begin with how much I hate your lying ass. I hate the way you sit there all trite and try to turn your lies so I feel sorry for you. I hate you because I do feel sorry for you. I hate you because even though you're such a dick, I still love you. I hate you because you don't listen. I hate the way you fuck. I hate the way everyone thinks you are so great when really you are not. I hate the way you let me let everyone believe you are so great, even though you are not. I hate the way your shoes and hats are more important than your family. I hate they way you always have an excuse. I hate that you are so fucking lazy and I do everything for you. I hate you because I know I should do better than you, but I probably won't. I hate you because you spend so much more than you earn. I hate you because I've turned into your mom. I hate you because you cannot remember fucking anything. I hate you because you don't listen. I hate you because you are always late. I hate you because you can't spell. I hate you because you have bad grammar. I hate you because you leave the refrigerator open too long. I hate you because you never turn off the TV. I hate you because you like watching TV more than going outside. I hate you because you don't know how to be a man. I hate you because making the right mixed CD get more energy than thinking of the right thing to say. I hate you because you care about other people thinking you are a good guy, rather than actually being a good guy. I hate you because you stop eating when you are full. I hate you because you can eat all the sugar and fattening shit in the world and never get fat. I hate you because you don't eat bacon. I hate you because you can't pay off a debt to save your life. I hate you because I make everything better than you. I hate you because you don't dust. I hate you because you set a bad example for your son. Most of all, I hate you because you love me, and I can't say no.
I totally hate you Peter.

Had it in Houston.

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