Sunday, October 11, 2009


Dear Peters 1 2 & 3,

I fucking hate you all! Peter 1 is a miserable jobsworth, Peter 2 is a cantkerous knob head who has no human array of emotion or skills in his profession and Peter 3 can't write for shit. If by chance Peters 1, 2 and 3 you end up in hell (a likely fate) may the devil anally rape you all for all eternity. I can't belive I have to put up with you three Peters for another year, you bunch of self righteous arrogant arce-holes! £190 for fucking what??? Like you don't get paid too fucking much anyway. Peter 1, all I have to say is 7...was it really worth it, we now come face to face and I hope our time together will be as much fun for you as it will be for me.

Go fuck yourselves and then each other

Non Peter

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