Saturday, December 19, 2009


Dear Peter,
In case you were too caught up in your world of yoga and agnosticism, you are gold digging whore. A home wrecking gold digging whore who isn't even competent enough to put up a fucking Christmas tree! It was two Christmases ago that my stepmother called me crying because she found out about you. You are worse than the Grinch who stole Christmas. At least he gave it back. And he wasn't a pathetic gold digging home wrecking whore. Sure we weren't happy, but what family really is? You don't take another family's husband/father, its fucked up. He didn't belong to you you stupid bitch. Plus his kids are older than you!! How doesn't that upset you?! How does that seem healthy/ok/right?! Peter you are a fucking self-righteous bitch. And now I am told that I have to buy you a Christmas present? You have got to be kidding me! You don't deserve one. The only thing in life you deserve is AIDS and a lot of other VD's in the meantime. You are unbelievably smug and incapable of realizing what a bad person you are. You shouldn't be able to show your face in public, but you do time after time. You want us kids to respect you and be nice??? What gives you the right to ask anything from us? I can't believe I have to buy you a present........
~Blue Christmas


jessipip said...

You should buy peter a single bar of soap for Christmas.

Anonymous said...

that made my christmas :) thank you