Saturday, December 19, 2009


Dear Peter,

I hate you. Plain and simple. We've been friends for awhile, but in the past year or so you've become an absolute bitch. YOU'VE CHANGED! You are NOT the Peter you once were, not matter how much you deny it, I know you've changed and you've changed a lot. You complain over ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! You're fake, I can see it. You fake laugh, fake cry, fake compliment, fake EVERYTHING. You may think I can't see through your games, but oh, don't worry I CAN, BITCH. Peter, you've forgotten your old friends, moved on to your new little Peters who you brag about incessently. "Oh, I can't go to the mall with you, I've got to hang out with Peter, who I love sooo much more than you." DO YOU EVEN REMEMBER ALL OF THE PROMISES WE MADE, ALL OF THE SECRETS WE SHARED, PETER? What happened to bff's? You always choose your new boyfriend and all of your little Peters over me. I hope your boyfriend fucking dumps your little Peter ass. Oh, by the way, could you and him STOP FUCKING MAKING OUT ALL THE FUCKING TIME! I JUST GOT OUT OF A RELATIONSHIP DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH IT FUCKING HURTS, PETER?! NO ONE IS AS OBNOXIOUS AS YOU. GET THE FUCK OUT OF YOUR LITTLE FANTASY WORLD AND FACE. THE. FUCKING. FACTS. Oh yeah, and stop thinking you're so much better than everyone, cause you're not. You may get everything YOU fucking want Peter, but some of us actually have to WORK FOR IT SO STOP BITCHING ABOUT HOW PETER IS SPOILED, PETER. Goddamn, I wish you'd just get out of my life already.

Your ex-bff

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