Friday, April 2, 2010


First off, fuck you. I feel like my life would be so much happier if you werent in it. You're lack of consistency when it comes to being nice is annoying and I cant keep up with your constant mood swings. You take all your issues out on your friends because you because you see being nice as a weakness, and you take advantage of those who care about you. You're the biggest bitch I have ever known and I hope you get exactly what you deserve, you fucking brat. You're jealousy towards me causes me to hold back and not be the beautiful confident person I am, because whenever I show an ounce of confidence, you turn into a bitch. I wish all of our mutual friends would realize what an awful person you are and just stop talking to you. I want to tell them all the shit you've said about them behind their backs. It's too bad that you'll probably end up alone, since no man could ever love someone so vile and cruel. I'm sure you'll be a gold digging cunt just like your mother. You're a sad little girl, and I hope you see the light one day... although people like you never do. I take comfort in knowing that youll never be happy.

Sincerely, you're former best friend.

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