Friday, April 2, 2010


This is a little bit of Hate about Peter.

You are so screwy and lame. How fucking dare you treat me like this, like that. How fucking dare you. I don't understand. How can you be so awful? How can I be so awful around you? How can you turn up to my drinks with a bottle of gin and run away to the park and listen to sad music while i have to sit there? My drinks, my house? Luckily my night was too good for it to be killed. So why Peter? Why the cut off? Why the lack of honesty, the lack of being able to be strong enough to tell me whats really going on for you? I am so super angry and it is a tornado. Of fucking hate. Of fucking anger. You suck you little bitch and you keep coming close to my friends - my friends - who I have counted on as rocks, and you are hanging out with them and using them like they are yours - they are mine! I'm not sure if there is jealousy - assuming of course there is! - there is definitely something else there. Fucking disgust. Get a grip, get your own life, if you're cutting out of mine then don't take whats mine. Don't taint the stuff I love. It's not my fault.

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