Monday, January 25, 2010


Dear Peter

You're a piece of shit and have no life on the earth, ya know why? Cause ALL YOU DO IS END UP MAKING ALL MY FRIENDS HATE ME AND THEN MAKE THEM YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOUR FALSE TRUTHS! I know you like making my life miserable Peter, all you do every bloody day of your sad little fucking life ( I LITERALLY mean little) is treat me like the dirt on the bottom of your trainers. And the only reason you everybody thinks your SOOOOOO cool is because your allowed to wear those bloody trainers at school when everybody else isn't.

You suck up to the teachers so much even when you know you're not innocent, but in fact a snakey little tart! You think life will just be SO easy in just 10 years time when you have a job. Well I have some news that is gonna break your mind and it applies to you because you have not even half a heart to work for something you want to get because you think every fucking thing is just going to come to you (then again, at this point I wonder if you even have a heart, just an empty space filled with misery you spill out to me). Anyway, the news is this.

When everyone else is out having a job, you may be the popular one, but also the tramp. Your Mother and father do absolutely everything for you which is good of them but you never thank them really. To you they aren't parents, they're slaves.

Your a fucking idiot and a bitch.

The one you torture

Mr "I'll be laughing in your fucking face one day"

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