Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Dear Peter, I hate you.
I hate how i gave you every last part of me. I hate you said you would never abandon me, but then you did. I hate how you use to text me late at night and tell me you cared about me, and now you pretend like that never happened. I hate how you make me feel like a retard for trying. I hate that you can make every last part of me crumble when you smile at me, and i hate how sometimes you can be so incredibly kind, and then a dick. I hate that you say you don't want to act like a dick, but then you do. I hate that we obviously have something, but you choose to ignore it. I hate that your girlfriend made you stop talking to me. I hate that i told you every last detail about all the things that have happened in my life, and now i feel stupid. I hate that your my boss. And i hate that you want to follow the rules. I hate that no matter how hard i try, how much i block my mind from you, you are always there, and you can so easily break down that wall. I hate that we have so much in common, and i hate that we use to be able to talk for hours about one thing. I hate that i see you every morning no matter what, because some how my routine clashes with yours. Most of all i hate how even after 8 months, i am still head of heels. I still get flustered when i see you. I hate how ignorant you are. I have never ever met anyone so complicated and hard to figure out, and i hope i never do again. The thing i hate more than anything, is that, despite everything you do, I love you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel exactly the same way. :|