Wednesday, August 4, 2010


You had absolutely NO basis to falsely accuse American Gladiator of those awful disgusting behaviors! How would you feel if some 14-year-old girl single-handedly destroyed your entire career, reputation, and life because she was too horny to realize that Jesus does NOT approve of her behavior? Wouldn't you want someone to stick up for you and let the truth be heard? Well, that's exactly what I did, Peter, and you spat it back in my face when all I was trying to do make you realize the truth. Everyone on the team believes that he is 100% innocent and nobody, I repeat, NOBODY ON THE TEAM believes your story! You make me absolutely sick and disgusted. You like all the publicity you're getting out of this, is that really how you want to be known for after high school is over? As the slut who destroyed an innocent family's entire life? Apparently it is or else you wouldn't have gone and did all that, saying this happened and then going and sleeping with every other guy who's available. Didn't you learn anything at Church camp, Peter? Didn't you hear the lessons on why adultery is bad? I guess not. I guess you think that the Bible is not all that important and no matter what you do God will forgive you anyway so go ahead and sleep around. Well, sorry to break it to you, but that is not how it works. I am through with you, Peter. I am never going to trust you again. And after the court hearing no one else will either. Certaintly not Mrs. Gladiator, because you used to be her favorite student and everybody knew it. Well guess what, she hates you the most now because of what you did. Just shut up and stop talking because nobody cares about what you have to say anymore, and American Gladiator certaintly didn't need or deserve what you did to him!

-Forget Snazzy names, from Texas

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