Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I hate you Peter,
I really hate you. You are simply the most irritating person I have ever met. Even though I don't go to school with you (yet unfortunately), you will have a hell of a time trying to get people to live your brother's reputation down. Your brother was a complete loser and that's why he came to our school. And we hated him too. So they're always going to remember you as his brother. You weren't nice to me, and say a hell of a lot of stupid things. Which brings me here.
Secondly. You're a complete DUMBASS. I ask you a simple question in that all county band program thing, which we both participated in. I had the fortune to meet a friend of mine from your school there, however you were all ganged up in that corner like all the idiots at your school would do. (But I'll explain that later.) You're not talking to anyone, it's just the 4 of you and you, Peter, are just standing there making retarded faces. So I come over to greet my friend and you stare at me, unlike the other 2 people standing there awkwardly. I recognize you because I saw you at the Christmas concert last year and nearly screamed at you repulsiveness. And the fact that I went through the yearbook at my cousin's house, who happens to have a locker next to yours. I ask you who you are because you look extraordinarily like your brother and you get extremely mad. "Oh, are you Evan's brother?" "YEAH, WHY?!" Seriously. Get the hell over your anger issues. Or not. It makes me feel happy that you are upset because that means it would be easier for me to blackmail you into doing something stupid. That's why me, 2 friends, another girl and some guy who I hate followed you for about 15 minutes through our school at the science fair. At first it was me and my friend, and then grew, and we cornered you. I wanted to apologize for seeming like a complete stalker at that band thing, but now I realize you don't deserve it. We stood on the other end of the hallway after you went into the bathroom for 10 minutes but you never came out. And then we walked to the gym and you were there. For your stupidity of jumping out a window because we heard a thud, I have another reason to hate you.
Thirdly. YOU ARE F*CKING REPULSIVE. I swear, your brother wasn't that ugly compared to the other guys at school. And you look like him. But I don't know where you got this from. You, unlike your brother, have ridiculously ugly hair. Black curly hair IS NOT awesome when you compare it to your brother's awesome red and straight hair. And seriously, START SHAVING. You're 11 years old and you have a huge unibrow...really. Go ask your dad to run to whatever store and get you a razor, it won't matter where because you can afford it. This is another reason why you'd be hated if you came to our school. Our school is full of normal middle class families who want their kids to get a cheap, good Catholic education. YOUR school charges $7,000 for one kid to attend there, while we charge less than $3,000. You wouldn't fit in. Plus the fact that you're from there. Everyone here hates your school. We just assume you're all douchebags with rich parents. Which is true for you. Oh and you complain a lot about me. Just not to my face. "Rachel, why does that girl hate me so much? Can you ask her because I don't remember doing anything to her! These SMS kids..." Can I punch you now? Because honestly, I would be glad to.

Just remember, I'll always be making up a plan to kill you. If you read this, you'll know who I am.

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