Monday, December 20, 2010


To my dearest peter,
can anyone believe you. not the lies you tell but you, everything about is horrible peter. you are only achild and we all already are saving up our money so you can live at home for the rest of your life- no it's true- i swear. no has ever told you, but we talk of it all the time, no joke. if i actually told this to your face you probably throw something at me, but i dont care. you are going to do absolutely nothing with you life. peter, let me ask you a question, can you imagine a 30 yearold balding man sitting all by his lonesome at a dirty home calling for his retired mother to make him dinner while he plays those hideous video games on his new console or maybe reading a comic book with almost no dialouge at all? you can?! goo, cause that is you. im not joking at all. i really hate you, and you scare me, you've ruined my life, my childhood, but i will NOT let you ruin my future.

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