Monday, December 20, 2010


I hate you peter who said that kiss was nothing. You said that you
loved me and you couldnt wait to kiss me. You fucking lied. Well we
both had someone but u loved me more so why is it that u stayed with
him and broke my heart? You are one of the only girls who made me cry
well when i cry i dont consider myself a man so ur a lesbian because u
kissed me. Jk . Why did u turn on me we were gonna be so happy but u
just had to be a bitch. I was ur first kiss and i always will be u can
tell urself it wasnt a real kiss but u kissed me and i kissed back so
thats that. And i love how my gf found out and broke up with me but ur
bf is still clueless well thats it im done.
P.s. Your a bitch now and even your best friend agrees with me.

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