Monday, December 20, 2010


Peter, you make me feel like shit. Emotionally drained. I feel like a
little sister being harvested on bioshock. Why do you do this to me?
You know you have the ability to make me cry and want to die in a
hole. So, you brokeup with me, right? Then you tell me you miss me and
KIND of regret breaking up with me. Kind of... OKAY. THAT'S COOL.
You're awesome(: pause NOT. you're confusing and disgusting and rude.
You accused me of being a slut... Indirectly.
"go hookup with him!"
"ew, I don't hookup with random people"
"suurree you don't"
what kind of girl do I look like, Peter? Do I look like a slut? Cause I'm not.
Anyways, then we start talking about winter ball and stuff. You told
me you got asked to the sockhop by two girls at the same time and then
tell ME to bring you to winterball at my school? No. You're bringing
two girls to the dance at your school, because you don't wanna be a
dick and turn one down. NEWSFLASH ASSHOLE. you're being a dick for
bringing two girls! Jesus! You confuse the shit out of me. You tell me
that you miss me, then call me a slut & tell me to hookup with
someone, then take not one, but TWO girls to your dance. You disgust
me. But Peter, wanna know the worst thing? I still like you. You
dumped me, but I still like you. You're a dick to me, but I still like
you. You insulted my family and me, but i'd still take you back if you
asked mr out. Why do you do this to me? It sucks, but I can't change
the way I feel :/

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