Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Dearest Peter

Well. What do we have here? In just the second I'm ready to leave you behind, you worthless bitch, it seems you're following me.

I don't care about you.

I don't care about Peter Peter, and all the great and fun things you do together.

I REALLY don't care about your feelings, if you have any.

You're just… Heartless. Over sensitive and heartless.

Am I worth trouble? Yeah. I say hi to you, and it appears I'm only worth a fleeting glance. Are you stupid? Are you actually stupid?

Obviously you are, you were supposed to be placed in the lower class, but you're just… Nothing to me. Just because your mommy can get you put in the big girl classes (i.e: The one me and everyone else with a brain is in) doesn't mean your hot shit, just that your mom is just as big a bitch as you are. And a slut, too. By GOD are you both sluts.

Remember that skirt you wore? It should be burned.

You're a stupid, stupid, worthless bitch, is what you are.

Don't follow me to HS. You're not worth it, and if I ever see your face again, it'll be too soon.

Go lead a fucking SPECTACULAR life, you cold, mean, heartless, worthless being you. Me and Peter and Peter and Peter will be kicking back, devising plots to make your life MISERABLE.

Good luck Peter.

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