Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I fucking hate you. NO, I'm not jealous. Quite the contrary, BITCH. You're the biggest bitch I've ever met. I find it pretty fucking hilarious that while I sit there laughing and having a good time, enjoying lifee, you sit there being all jealous and talking about me with your fat blonde emo looking friend. EVERYBODY hates you, like everybody, literally. Even one of your closest friends, she's just as fake as you are. You overlytall, ugly, wannabe, shittalking ho. I don't even get pissed at it anymore, it's all jealousy. Like every guy you like chases after me, I feel bad for you. I love when you talk about me, it's funny as hell. You're such a twofaced bitch. You even have "Bitch" in your name. You should really get a life, ho. You call me a slut, when you're probably a bigger whore than I am. By the way, it doesn't really bother me when you say shit to my boyfriends. I know you want their dick, but you'll never get it. Dumb bitch. I love when you think you're so tough, giving your ugly little dirty looks. If you don't like me OR my bestfriend, don't look at us. Ugly. You're that kind of girl that should really just die. You're worthless. Nobody wants you. Nobody loves you. GO fuck yourself.

Love, the girl you love to hate

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