Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Dear Peter, sorry to tell you in such a middle-school way, but FUCK YOU. You have said for years and years that your my bestfriend, but really, you are not. I am too good for you. I defended you when you were being picked on, i stood up for you when people said that you were a whore, even though you are a whore, and i have done nothing but protect you and support you. Thanks a Fucking ton for dating the man i loved for over three years. And thanks for hurting him. Oh, yeah, and thanks for making every guy i've ever loved fall for you. Logically i should assume that it's not your fault, but actually it is, because you throw yourself at them. Until yesterday, i thought i had forgiven you for everything, but as of ten minutes ago when the guy i like confessed his undying love for you to me, i think i hate you again. Go have sex with every guy you see, i know you want to, don't even pretent to restrain yourself, ho-bag. When you get preggo, i'm going to laugh, not even giggle, i'm going to flat out laugh. And while you are in your second devorce, i'm going to be happily married.
Sincerely, Story of my life.
p.s. i know you were out with him until 3 last night, you really thought i wouldn't know? thanks so much. i'll never cry over the crap you do again.

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