Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Dear Peter,
So you're going out now? With that pretty girl that is just the stupidest thing in this world? Out of all the smart and handsome girls, you pick the popular one. She's tall, skinny, funny, and dumb. That's why she's funny, cause she has nothing in her head but dust. And besides you liked my friend before her. She told me that you asked her out but she had no interest in you. Then you just go and ask that little princess out? Now you're just obsessed with her. Calling her cheesy nicknames and she actually answers back. She calls you "darling" that's just so lame. People call their lovers darling when they're 30 not in their teens. I admit that she has a good personality. But that's all she has, a darn good personality. Peter, I ruined my life because of you. I felt you slipping away from me. So I started to give up on you I found a new men. He ruined me even more. If you hadn't gone out with her, I would still be happy. Peter you narrow minded fool. You never looked at me. You had this thing for pretty girls though. I know that your bias for those girls with long eyelashs, big eyes, and small faces. So what if I'm not all that? No one's perfect in this world. But I congradulate you Peter. Lucky man you are. But how dare you eat lunch with her today at school. Now all the boys sit with their girlfriends. While I sit alone with the solo fools. I broke up with my boyfriend for you. It's been four months but he still isn't looking at me. But the funny thing is. I don't like you, I'm just mad at you Peter. After breaking up with a man I loved, I cannot love anyone else for a while. I don't get tingly for you. I guess this is the end for my one-sided love. But whenever you feel like it, take a chance on me.

Love, the lonely girl in sweat pants

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