Friday, May 28, 2010


I hate you peter, and your stupid leather shirts. I hate when you put scrunchies in my hair and when you bought me flared leggings for almost every birthday. You made my life living hell with your obsession with pink and barbies, you never understood that I DONT LIKE SAUSAGE AND MASH. Your face MAKES ME SICK. You think your so stylish and hip cos you drive a leather cow. YEAH, LEATHER. LEATHER. Take it away pets! I still have nightmares about your stupid fluffy hair and that time when you dressed up as a lion was the last straw. And why, when i said I was having a fancy dress party, did you dress as the little mermaid? your pathetic, you don't even have red hair. And you don't even have a pet fish called flounder, his name is frank! and he died when you were four. You thought you could fool me with that plastic fish! I still havent forgiven you for stealing my 'mum' deodorant you dont even NEED IT cos YOU ARE A DOG.Why did you lie about having sensetive skin that time i tried to reduce the oiliness of your T ZONE. Your a liar. You bought pampers simply dry, WHEN YOU DONT HAVE A BABY! You can even have a baby cos YOUR A BOY. Get over yourself peter, get a life, get a job and GET A NEW FISH! One thing i do advise you to do. Cash your gold.

Love you! <3 <3 <3

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