Friday, May 28, 2010


I've never cried about you because I think my body knows you don't deserve it.
You're hideous. You are disgustingly ugly and when you talk, spit comes out.
Your teeth are yellow and coffee stained, and your breath stinks.
You are fucking gross and everyone around you knows it.
Peter, you were my best friend and everyone could see how happy we were.
You had to ruin it by turning into a know-it-all prick.
I dont understand , Peter s, why you always have to put me down to make you feel better.
You constantly make me look like an idiot or an ass in front of everyone.
When you make those fucking little comments as youre laughing your little asshole laugh.
You're always trying to make me feel like a piece of shit, and guess what, its worked.
Tonight you pushed it too far you little fuck. You're a rotten piece of shit, youre an egomaniac, you have terribly low self esteem and you need mental help.
You're like a domestic abuser. You constantly bring me down to the lowest level a human being could reach.Except you use words and insults,instead of force. You're sick and you're twisted and you're a monster. A controling monster.
I hate you Peter.

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