Friday, May 28, 2010


I hate you Peter.

Here's why.

You continuously claim that you trust me, that you DON'T think I'm an idiot. Yet everything you say and do contridicts this fact! You say that you give me independence, that I have no idea what 'strict' is. I DON'T GIVE A SHIT IF ITS BETTER OR WORSE THAN OTHER PEOPLE'S SITUATIONS! THE FACT IS THAT YOU PISS ME OFF, REGARDLESS OF COMPARISON! JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE ELSE MIGHT BE GOING THROUGH SOMETHING WORSE, IT DOESN'T GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO TREAT ME LIKE SHIT!!

And the worst part of it is that you're meant to be my Peter. You, of all people, should be the one to stand up for me, tell people that they're wrong, support me. But all you do is clarify their stupid accusations and bitch and moan about what a horrible person I am. Don't you find it at all ironic that out of EVERYONE only you, Peter, Peter and Peter think these things about me? Whats that? they're the only people you talk to? WHAT A FUCKING COINCIDENCE!!!

You say you think I'm smart, but then you second-guess every little fucking thing I do. 'I know you said this, but I double checked anyway'. 'Hey Peter, I heard that this or that happened' 'Oh I don't think so'. PETER: Hey I heard about this thing where something happens' 'Yeah, I told you about that months ago, you just didn't believe me'. 'Give me your friend's number incase you're phone dies' 'No, I'm 22 FUCKING YEARS OLD'. Yeah, you totally trust me.

So why don't you just go back to your little bitching group and have a big old bitch about me...again, and again, and again. How bout for a change all you Peter's go focus on your OWN problems, rather than mine. God know's you have enough between you to feed 8 councellors for a year.

Thanks to you, I feel like I have nothing. When the only people in your family turn their back on you, its shit. Normally, I would turn to Peter, but as you know, I broke up with him just last week. So thank you, you have helped me to feel that I am truely alone. I have fucking no one to turn to - and I can't ask YOU for help, because that will just result in you telling everyone that I'm selfish, that I don't care about inconveniencing others when I have a problem that needs solving. FUCK YOU! If I didn't care, I wouldnt have washed the floor the other day WITHOUT YOU ASKING. or unstacked the dishwasher WITHOUT YOU ASKING. or hung up the clothes WITHOUT YOU ASKING. or even taking Peter to the vet so that you wouldn't have to drive, and catching a bus and 2 trains and walking for-fucking-ever! Also, since when is any of this any of your fucking business anyway. You keep saying the same bullshit 'you always need to be rescued' FUCK YOU! I'm not some pathetic little kid crying out for her Mummy. And when I do ask for help, NO ONE FORCES YOU TO SAY YES!!! IF YOU DONT' WANT TO FUCKING HELP, THEN DONT!!! DONT SAY 'YES' AND THEN BITCH ABOUT IT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!! ITS NOT FAIR! WHEN YOU HELP SOMEONE, ITS YOUR OWN CHOICE, SO DON'T FUCKING BLAME THEM!!
I have been hurt by things you've said before, but never like this. This time, it's you forming an incorrect, uninformed opinion of me and then spreading around that opinion like it's fact. I can't tell you how lousy that makes me feel. If i EVER heard anyone badmouth you, I'd yell at them til they shuttup - but you agree with these people, and thats what hurts the most. And to top it all off, this morning. All I asked was that you change the toilet roll when its nearly empty, and I get this fucked up response 'Do you know how many things you do that I don't mention? I only tell you HALF the things you do that annoy me!'
Great. Thanks Peter.

And I would be saying 'Oh, but you do sometimes comment on how I'm good to live with, or that you enjoy my company.' but I cant, because you don't, you havent in years. And I know I haven't said anything like that to you in years, but I don't go bitching to other people about how you always stay home, or are antisocial, or how you worry too much about the cat, or anything like that. You tell me why I'm so annoying, and you tell others.

So until you actually WANT to talk to me, or WANT to help me if I ask for it, just leave me alone, because I'd rather be talked to by noone than by someone that secretly (or not so secretly) wants to do nothing but bitch about me.

Apparentally one-way love from the girl you deem 'inconsiderate'.

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