Friday, May 28, 2010


dear peter,
i hate you for every minute we laughed at stuff together, for how we were going to see that band together. i hate you for just becoming friends with them, and completely freezing me out. i hate those peters because i was friends with them too, then just suddenly i wasnt. i hate how youre pretending i never happened. i hate you for telling me how i was really witty and funny, i hate how you were sincerely complimenting me, being so nice, making sure i felt appreciated, it was like you realized i felt a little off. just days before you screwed me over. i hate that we used to hold hands every second and then i needed you so much and i finally got up the courage it was so hard to say something to you you acted like i was that fat peter and went and sat with them and i knew you were talking about how dumb i was.
i hate that, for how ever close we were, i didnt know how to talk to you when you were like that.i hate you for making me feel like that fat peter we froze out to a couple years ago.i hate how despite how close we were, despite everything we did that summer, you just ignored me and pretend it never happened. i hate how you deleted all our pictures.i hate you for not even thinking i was worth some pretend fight, some excuse to be mad at me. i hate you for making out with her. im not as experienced as you, i cant just go around casually kissing my friends, im too awkward.i hate you for being perfect and funny and gorgeous and bitchy in the best way and having my sense of humor.i hate you for breaking my heart. we werent going out, i didnt like you like that. we were friends. i hate you because 10 monthes later i cant get you out of my head.
i hate you for moving on, peter i hate you so much for just dismissing everything that happened. i hate you for having a life, being fun and making new friends. i hate you because we were really friends, and you just threw me away so easily.
i hate that if you called me and wanted to be friends, hang out, talk, whatever, i would immediately say yes.
i hate that you never will.

a fake blond

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