Friday, May 28, 2010


This is my dear peter letter. PS I suggest you change it from PETER to ANONYMOUS, cos there are actual Peter's out there... And I hate very few of them. :*

Dearest "Peter"
I hate you because you DON'T DESERVE ME. I say hi to you and I get a GRUNT, YOU FUCKING ANIMAL. YOU WORTHLESS SACK OF SHIT. Everyday I tell myself YOU'RE NOT WORTH IT and every day I get sucked back in. I hate you enough to make me use this website! I try and try and try and I GUESS that's not enough for you. And yet to everyone else you're little mister freaking sunshine, aren't you? WHY DO YOU HATE ME? I don't think you hate me, you just don't think about me at all. I'm WORTH IT goddamit! I'm worth it!! I'm worth hate and love and friends. Why don't you see how hard I try? I'm not even forcing you into being anything more than friends! I'm not even forcing you to BE friends! You're making me feel pathetic. You're making me pathetic PERIOD. GUESS WHAT? One day, you'll wake up, get your head out of your ass, and realize how lucky you are. You've got power and friends who love you for reasons I don't QUITE UNDERSTAND. [I hate you.] One day, you'll realize how all of your friends are DELINQUENTS, and maybe then you'll see how awesome we would have been.
Guess what [again]? No wait, don't guess. It might hurt your fragile little mind. Try and get it past that thick skull of yours into that tiny little brain. I'm done. I'm going to honestly stop trying so hard. I've tried for three fucking years, and I just can't take the stress. It's over. Next time we "talk", I'll be mainly looking at someone else. I'll be talking to a real friend, like Peter or Peter or Peter. Yeaah, it might come as a shock to you, but some people like me for ME.
It's too late, "Peter."
I'm hanging up on you.

Sick Of You in San Francisco.

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