Thursday, September 16, 2010


Peter, i hate you because you made me fall in love with you, with you
having no intentions of dating me. i know this may sound teenager
girl-ish. so sue me. your a manwhore that only cares about sex, sex,
sex. theres more to life, your self centered and you only care about
yourself and one girl. one girl that you fucked things up with because
you almost slept with her cousin. she hates you now. she wishes you
were dead, like me. no one is gonna care about you in 10 years beacuse
your gonna be a man with six different STDs. i wish i never met you in
the first place.

i hate to love you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Babes its obvious you have some issues, but it's okay I've been through the same thing, and it gets better in time. The main thing is don't act on your feelings, as if you do it will only bring you temporary happiness, but at the same time bring despair and pain to Peter's wife and his children.