Thursday, September 16, 2010


I hate you peter because your always crying on this website. I hate you peter because all the cool kids are doin it. I hate you peter because I have poisen I've on my right leg and it itches like a son of a female dog. I hate you peter because its to early to surf porn. Alright its not to early but who cares. I hate you peter because your a reverse racist? I hate you peter because hating stuff is like totally awesome. I hate you peter for wasting your time reading this you huge douchbag this is a serious website. I hate you peter for always delivering the mail late so I can't deposit my paycheck. Way to go united peter service! I hate you peter for going to work every Saturday night and sticking me with the kids. Shhh don't tell her I said that. I mean don't tell peter. I hate you peter for your stupid government fishing expadition. I quite serving like a decade ago get off my nuts already. I hate you peter for not stealing Iraqs oil that's the whole point stupid! You deserve to go broke. I hate you blah blah blah. Man this is fun isn't it. I hate you peter because you drive like an asian woman. I hate you peter because there is no limit to how long I can rant on about how I hate you. I hate you peter for puting that flame retardent crap in my cigerettes so they always go out when I'm smoking them. I hate you peter for making it illegal to smoke anywhere. I mean come on some of us are trying to get cancer. I hate you peter for making cancer and cancer rymes with dancer who was one of santas reigndeer. I hate you peter for not knowing proper grammer or how to spell stuff and words. This poisen ivy is driving me crazy no its not crabs you can't get that on your leg. I hate you peter arrrrr. sincerely peter from st. Petersburg just peter bumpin...

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