Thursday, September 16, 2010


Oh Peter, how things have changed. We've gone from in love and happy to hating and spiteful. I guess love isn't really that far from hate. I should have followed my initial instinct, we should have never been anything but friends. You're just too damn sensitive to support anything, and Peter I really hate that about you. But I really just feel bad. I hate that whenever I try to express my opinion or criticize you even a little you cry. I absolutely HATE that it's only been a short amount of time and you're already dating again, even though when I tried to crawl back to you, you "Weren't stable enough". Yeah bullshit. I hate it even more that you've had like twenty girlfriends after we broke up and when I get one boyfriend you curse me out because I'm a slut. I hate how everything's so fucking double standard with you. Peter who the fuck are you kidding, we all know you're not going to kill yourself. I hate the fact that I didn't listen to all others around me telling me to let you go after we broke up, but I didn't. Just look where it got us. I hate that we can't talk for more than a day or two without having a horrible argument. I hate it when you say "People I know say why do you talk to her, she's ugly. And I tell them she's more than looks." and expect some kind of appraisal, by the way I'm not ugly. Not even a little and calling me it won't hurt my feelings. The thing I hate the very most is that you act the way you do, in which I loathe but you're the only one who's always there for me. That's another thing I hate, I hate you for so many reasons but I love you just as much for only one. I don't even know what to do you my dearest friend Peter.

Narcissist in New Jersey

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